Posts in Environment
Words Worth Noting - December 2, 2023

Worried about trying to get rid of the appliances and other junk in her attic in these days of green disposal “I am now faced with taking them unspayed [that is, without the condensers etc. removed] to the landfill and finding out what it feels like to be rejected by a dump.”

Florence King in National Review May 3, 1999

Words Worth Noting - November 7, 2023

“To have a passing fever, or the smallpox is nothing, but to be oppressed by a feeling of faintness for whole years, to see all one’s relish for things destroyed, to have yet enough life to want to enjoy it but too little strength to do so, to become useless and unbearable to oneself, to die little by little, that is what I have suffered, and what has been more cruel than all my other trials.”

Voltaire, quoted in Cleveland Bruce Chase The Young Voltaire [in his first letter on returning to France from a youthful trip to England where he learned much but found the climate horrible]